Baby Photography Techniques, Tricks and Tips

One of the most photographed subjects in the world is babies and it is remarkable just how difficult it could be if not done right. It is also one of the most joyous photography niches, but how do you communicate with a baby, how to do this and that, or which way to turn or where to look? Preparing for baby photography you should follow some of these tips for excellent images. A baby that is only a day or two old is in no routine yet, thus would he or she mostly be sleeping and calm. Older babies in a routine and with knowledgeable parents would know when the baby is at the best behavior, for example calm, but babies are not always in a specific pattern though.


If you know the time of day that the photography would happen, you must pick the best location for example close to natural light like close to a window. Most parents want their babies shots without clothes especially newborns and young babies and removing clothing ahead of time is essential to avoid creasing or clothing lines on their tender skins appearing on images. When taking shots with clothing on it is essential to have background coordinating. Another essentiality is having your equipment set up and perfect ahead of time, as a fidgety baby would not wait for lenses being cleaned etc.


Furthermore should you be prepared for unexpected hours of additional time, while the baby is having tantrums, needs nappy changes, unexpectedly sleeping, etc. using a tripod is best when shooting a baby as your hands are free to pose babies, create distractions or  fuss with free hands. Another great idea is getting apps that make noises or sounds, which could attract the baby’s attention to look at the camera lens.